A few of our credentials are: Professional Engineer (P.E.), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Licensed Asbestos Consultant (LAC for testing only, not abatement), Mold-Related Services Assessor (for testing only), Radon Measurement Technician, Lead Based Paint Inspector & Risk Assessor, Visible Emissions Evaluator, Asbestos Surveyor, Asbestos Supervisor, NIOSH 582 Equivalency Microscopist, Asbestos Management Planner, Asbestos Project Designer, and Licensed Environmental Professional. Additionally, Environmental Safety Consultants is licensed in Florida as an engineering business. This is a key license which is required to provide services in that fields. TO BE CLEAR, ESC DOES NOT ABATE OR REMEDIATE ANYTHING. WE ARE A TESTING FIRM ONLY.
As shown on this page, our services are summarized in four main groups with lots of information and more details just a click away. The groups are residential or industrial Building Testing, Environmental Permits and Testing, Industrial Hygiene and Safety, and Property Assessments. Each of these groups is subdivided into different service areas. For example, Building Testing is divided into Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Radon, and Chinese Drywall. This allows you, the Client, to save time and go right to your area of interest.
Please let us know what services you need and when you need them. Environmental Safety Consultants will give you practical and effective solutions as quickly as possible. You can rely on us for our forthright professionalism. Call or e-mail ESC for a rapid response right now. Thank you! We look forward to serving you.
Scott Russell, President